Thursday, 21 February 2008

When you believe...

What do we believe in? What do we pray for? What do we have faith in? What do we hope for? It's what our hearts drives us crazy by. We pray for success. We have faith in love. We believe in ourselves. We hope to find someone to make us happy. We want that special certain someone in our life that will take away all the pain from the inside. We pray to build our dreams into reality. We hope to live a peaceful life. We have to have faith in ourselves if we just believe.

Sometimes, hope can be frail, it's hard to believe. We pray and pray each night, in hope that someone, above us, around us, would hear. We begin to lose hope, when everything arounds us, seems to fall apart. We should never be afraid of what life throws at us. Although, deep down, we're afraid of our true selves. We never know what miracles we can achieve if we believe. We just have to have faith. We have to believe in ourselves and go out there to begin a new life.

I've realized so much these past few weeks: I've given up on so much in the past. I've lost hope in myself. I've lost confidence. I never believed I could achieve in life. But, now, I'm slowly starting to improve on my singing. I've prayed and wished to be helped... and I have. I've been taking singing lessons. I've been practicing at home. I've got people offering to help me, to help me slowly achieve the dream, I want so much to turn into reality.

When we believe, we believe in ourselves, we believe in our dreams, we believe in God, we believe in the love we have for one another. I've realized that we were put onto this world for a reason: to see what path we choose; to become unique in every individual way; to follow our dreams and accomplish our destiny. We just have to make that first big step and move forward. Whatever happens in life, no matter what demons we face, we have to keep moving forward. We have to keep the ball rolling, because an angel will shine through to the end.

Who knows what miracles can be accomplished if we believe in what's right. If we do it for all the right reasons. If we do it for what we love. If we do it for our dreams. It will show better results in the end. Never let ANYONE come between you and your dream. Don't let them destroy what you've been praying for. No matter what happens in life, we have to keep moving forward, we can't look back behind us, into the past, we have to keep looking forward. Our destiny awaits us.

It's easy to give into your fears. We can be blinded by our pain and grief. Sometimes we can't see straight through the rain. Sometimes we have to start small, or with nothing, to get where we dream of being in life:

Construction Worker

We all have to make certain sacrifces for what we want. We all have to keep our helds high and face it through the storm. Don't let the waves of destruction crash into you. Hope will always be there for you. God will always be there for you. Believe in yourself. Pray. Hope. Have faith and anything would be accomplished if you set your heart and mind to it.

As life begins to take it's darkened toll, we have to fight and work as hard as possible for what we want; for who we want. Sometimes love can be painful without having that person by your side. Never give up hope. Go out there and get them. Get them to notice you. Capture their hearts. And even if you just remain as friends... it will be better than nothing, because to realize that you have this person in your life, will make you stronger and happier.

Anything is possible if you believe....


Wednesday, 20 February 2008

20 1/2 Months...?

As I sit here, in front of the computer, typing this up, I begin to wonder about the day I leave for overseas. I've been planning about this for a very long time. I've just never took up the courage and actually take action, for once. I've set the date for 20 1/2 months to prepare myself for the move to Toronto, Canada, God willing. I guess you're wondering: what is he babbling about?

I'll tell you...

On January 28th, 2008, I've decided that enough was enough. I was sick and tired of hiding in my shell and not taking action for what I believed in. I've always had an interest in the Entertainment Industry. I loved it. I've always wanted to be a successful singer for all the right reasons. I just never took any action about it. But, I have. As I've pointed out in my 2nd blog:

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

It's what I really want to do.

I've realized something: if you want something real bad in life, you have to be prepared to fight and work extremely hard for it. No matter what we sacrifice in life, the results will be worth it. If we want to achieve something in life, no matter what it is, we just have to believe in ourself and have faith by doing it for all the right reasons. Sometimes, in order to get what we want, we have to leave the nest and spread our wings. We have to leave our old life behind and begin the new, but always staying true to what's important: yourself.

It's not going to be easy. It's going to take time. It's going to take strength and courage. It's going to take a lot of hard work and sacrifices to get to where we want in life. I've applied for 2 jobs so far, I'm just waiting for them to reply back. I'll be saving up as much as I can. Get as many shifts as possible and prepare to work my ass off like a whore on crack! I'll be applying for an American/Canadian VISA, thank god I have a clean record. Oh, I forgot, I'll be living in Toronto for a few months, until I get on my feet, and when everything is going according to plan, with me slowly getting somewhere, I'll be moving to Los Angeles, California.

I'll be practicing my singing, I'll try working on the techniques to improve, I'll try taking more lessons each day. I just need this to work. I have a good voice, I'm not amazing or horrible, I'm just good. I just need to work on my breathing/tone techniques. If I want this to happen, I've got to take action. Once my voice has improved, to the level that's satisfying, I'll record a few demos and open a music Myspace and a musician Youtube account. I won't leave Sydney, just yet. I'll give Australia a shot first. If nothing happens for me here, I'll move overseas.

I know, once I'm there, I'll need to find an apartment, I'll need to find a job. I need to work as much as I can, until I can get on my feet. I know it won't be easy. It's a whole new world out there. It will take time for me to adjust to it. I just need to have faith and be strong with this. It's what I really want. It's what I believe in. I know it won't be easy, but I just need to make this work. I need to make this happen. I need to turn this dream into reality.

I believe in God. I know that he will guide me to what's right. I know he will be there for me when I need him. I know that he will help me through this. I just need the strength and courage to work through this. I just need the support from all my family and friends. I don't care if no one supports me. I don't care if I just have a backpack and my ipod and all my savings to begin a new life overseas. Sacrifices need to be made in order to full-fill your dreams.

I never graduated from High School, because I left halfway through 2006. If I stayed at that school I would have not been here today. That's how bad it was for me there. I remember, while I was at school, I've always felt that I didn't belong. It never felt right for me. It wasn't what I was looking for in life. I'm not saying that everyone should leave school, education is very important to most of us. I just left because I had enough of all the crap and that I wanted to explore the world and figure out what I want in life. And now I have.

People have asked me, "why do you want to become a singer?", and here is my reason: I want to be the voice for those out there. I want to speak for them. I want to show them that there is more to life than ending it. I want them to follow their dreams, even when everything around you seems to fall apart, there's always hope. There's always a rainbow smiling through in the end. I want to show them no matter how much your heart is grieving and if you keep believing, the dream will come true.

I'm also going to fight for the person I'm deeply in love with. I'm not going to mention their name. But, I'm going to fight for that person. I just have to get them to notice me first. My feelings towards this person is different from the way the rest of the world views them. I don't care about their looks. I don't care about their body. I don't care about their status. I care about them for who they are and not what they are. I love that person so much. It's not lust. I know for sure it's not.

I just hope it's not too late. But, knowing what I know now: that person won't risk their career for a long time. I know that having this person in my life will make me the most happiest of all. I've realized why my previous relationships never worked out: because, someone out there was the one I was meant to be with. I just have to work and fight hard to be with them. It's like the story of Cinderella. She didn't sit around and wait for her Prince Charming. She went there to get him herself. She didn't need her Fairy Godmother's help. She just believed in herself and it came true. That's what I'm doing.

I don't really fall for people like this, but each time I look into their eyes I always see the saddness. And when they smile, their entire face lights up. I really do love this person so much. I consider them still human. They're just someone who turned their dream into a career. I admire them for it. I just hope soon enough that I will build a successful career as a singer. I might take up acting as well, never know. I really do believe in this. I really do want this. I just need the support of friends and family to help me through this. I just have to make it happen.

Sometimes in life, there's no time to lose. You got to catch your dreams, before they runaway. I just feel like running away, before I lose my mind. I just feel like leaving it all behind. I just need to set myself free and live my dream. I've realized that some people never take the time to try, but in reality: we all have to believe in ourselves and go for it. We have to remember, that the soul of life is just a song and everything goes on along. There's no right beat. We should never look back. We should just keep looking forward and catch and fulfill our dreams.

This comes to the conclusion. I'd like to thank you all for reading through this. I just hope you'll understand that this is what I truly want. It's what I believe in. I know I have to work extremely hard to get the career I want. I know I have to fight extremely hard to get this person to notice me and see how things go from there. I just have to make this happen. I just have to.

20 1/2 months to go...?


Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Mirror, Mirror on the wall...

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall..." is the most well-known phrase to everyone. Except, what do we really see in front of the mirror? Do we see a popular teenager? Do we see someone with an eating disorder? Do we see someone trying to fit in? Do we see someone trying to be something they're not? Those few questions may not seem that important to some, but to others it wanders through their mind, repeatedly.

These days, a lot of people, mostly teenagers, pretend to be something they're not. They join gangs. They do drugs. They change their personality in front and behind your back. They change their behaviour, aggressively. They lose weight for the wrong reasons. Above all, is it worth it? Are you accomplishing something by doing this? Damaging your body? Hurting those around you, because of your own insecurities? Getting into trouble with the law? Or even worse, being killed? Are they that worth it?

I know a lot of people out there want to lose weight. I understand that, hell, I need to lose the weight I've put on, but are you doing it for all the right reasons? Think about it. Teenagers in this generation are so wrapped up in the media society:


And just because those people have the best bodies, doesn't mean we have to level ourselves down to them. It doesn't mean they have the "perfect" life if they have a "perfect" body. Most people feel ugly on the inside and end up being unhappy. I'm not saying that everyone who is fit and built are arrogant. I'm saying that so many teenagers want to be something they're not. Many starve themselves down to an alarming weight. They want to look like their idols. But is it worth changing who you are? It's never worth it. Being who you are is what God made you to be. You don't have to change that.

If a person loses weight for someone they want to notice them, is it worth it? Honestly? That person is blind if he/she don't realize the kind of person you are on the inside. If you are a caring and loving person with a good soul, then that person, who doesn't see you for you, will never realize what kind of sad and pathetic loser they are. You can do better than that. You lose weight because you want to be healthy, not because you want some punk ass to notice you. We all want people to see us for who we really are. We all want to express our love for one another, no matter what gender; nationality; sexuality; size we are. We are all individuals, but we have one thing in common: we all have a heart.

Those who've put others through hell because of being overweight; for being gay; for being a lesbian or for coming from another background. You better get your life together, because honestly, you will never realize the kind of idiotic, self-obsorbed, arrogant asshole you really are. We all have a heart. We all hurt. Why would anyone want to put someone through hell, without knowing what kind of situations that person might be having in their personal life? What if that person was suicidal? What would you do if something happened? Those are the situations we all have to face and question ourselves with. Nothing shouldn't be kept in the dark.

How about when taking drugs? Is it worth damaging your life? Are you doing it because of your friends? Are you doing it because you want to fit into a social group? Think about it? Is it worth it? Ask yourself that, when you look in the mirror. We all make mistakes in life. We're not all perfect. Sometimes we have to face our demons, but it doesn't mean with have to take the wrong path to destruction. No matter what we face in life, no matter how tough our darkest hours may be, an angel always shines through to the end. Just have faith and be strong with all the courage you have, because it's never worth destroying your life. It's never worth pretending to be something you're not.

Just remember to be who you are. You don't have to change for anyone. You be what you want to be. You do what you believe is right. Don't be afraid of anything. You will have a lot of friends and family supporting you and even if you don't have family or friends to support you, I will support you. Always stay true to yourself. You are perfect the way God made you. You can achieve anything you want to be, only if you put your mind and heart to it. Do yourself a favour, go out there, have your head held high, and be proud to be YOU.

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall. What do you see?"

You tell me.


Could solo be the way to go?

"Am I crazy? Could it be maybe? Solo is the way to go?" is the question on most of people's minds. We all dream of a life that our Prince or Princess Charming will come and sweep us off our feet and live a Fairy Tale life. But, that life comes at a price: heartache.

I don't like being negative about love, but this is something that most people question and wonder about the reasons. We all want to have that someone special in our life. Someone who will be there for us in our darkest hours. Someone to love and care for you. Someone to make you feel so special and important to them. But, most importantly, someone who will accept us for who we are.

Love is such a powerful word. Do we mean it? Do we feel it? Can we live without it? I don't know. I've had my share of heartache in the past. I must admit that I was ready to give up on love. But, for once in my life, I was wrong. I was given one more chance. I love this person with all my heart. I see them for who they are. Something about them has cast a spell on me and I can't get them out of my mind and heart. As cliche as that sounds, it's true. I just have to work and fight hard to be with that person, get them to notice me.

Sometimes in life, we're lost without that certain someone. We are always in hiding from ourselves, until that special someone finds the real you inside. We sometimes turn for someone and they're not there, but with that person by your side, they'll always will be. Sometimes we give and they take, we make that one big mistake by giving them all from A to Z, in which it will cost us our very own hearts. Sometimes love can be a powerful feeling and sometimes love can be the most hurtful feeling.

After being through several relationships, I've realized that in life, love can always make you stronger. No matter how painful, no matter how hurtful, no matter how dark the situation is, love can make you into a stronger person. I know we have to be careful to who we give our full hearts to. I know we have to rely on ourselves for when things seem out of hand. Just face it until the storm passes.

Sometimes in life, love can take us high and take us low. It can colour you blue and turn your passion to red, until you feel like you've become indigo. But, love has that feeling of pain and happiness. We just have to stay true to ourselves and be strong as much as possible. Don't let anything destroy what you believe in, because as I've said: karma is a bitch, what goes around, comes around.

If you truly love someone, who ever it is, don't give up on them. Don't let them slip through your fingers. Do everything that's possible to be with them. Do what they do; try to communicate with them and be who you are. You must be prepared to work and fight hard for the long road ahead. Don't ever give up, even if it means just being friends with that person, it will still be better than nothing. It will make you realize how grateful you are to have that person in your life. Just believe and stay true to yourself.


Monday, 18 February 2008

A voice of an angel

She's got a gift.
The gift of song.
The voice of an angel.
Lisette Vares is her name.

It all began on July 4th, 2007, I was browsing through some artist profiles on myspace as I came across hers. I was puzzled at first. She was from Sweden, and yet her songs were in English. I began listening to her songs "Runaway", "Together We Lost" and "Dream Of Love". A cold chill ran down my spine. What was that? I asked myself. I suddenly realized it was the power of emotion from Lisette's songs. The emotion of passion. The emotion of love. The emotion of struggle. All combined in her songs. It was amazing.

As I began to browse through her profile, I suddenly caught a glimpse of something that shocked me:


"That was HER?!" I asked myself. I saw the photos. I was shocked that I came across one of the backing vocalists/dancers from my favourite performance/song in the ENTIRE contest! I instantly messaged her, congratulating her on the amazing performance and all the hard work she and the crew put together. After a day, I got a reply back. She thanked me on how sweet I was and for all the support and that it was a wonderful life-time experience, she had in Helsinki. She wished me luck with my singing and hoped to hear from me sometime.

After a while, we began talking. We began commenting each other. We began messaging each other. I realized how much of a wonderful; kind hearted; positive and grateful person she really was. It's real hard to find a true soul like that as a friend. She's been such a great friend to me. Her songs have always made me feel so great about myself. She's inspired me, through her songs and positive energy, to continue singing and to never give up on my dreams. Just believe in yourself and go for it.

I feel so grateful to have her support; to have her believe in me. It means so much to me. I always feel something in her songs. I feel the struggle she must have faced through the hard times. I feel the passion and love she has for music. It just combines as one and has cast a spell on me. It's the only music I've been listening to for the past 5 months! It's made me feel more alive and confident in myself. Whenever I'm depressed. I'd listen to her songs and everything goes away.

She's sent me all of her songs to my email, just for me. I listen to them every single day now. I'm practicing on one of her songs, "Stop This Hurting", during my singing lessons and while practicing at home. I feel so comfortable singing that. I can relate to her songs in everyway. It just surprises me, on how I came across her profile. I think it was fate for us to be friends. I think it was fate for me to listen to her songs. If it wasn't for Lisette and her music, I wouldn't have pushed myself to begin a singing career in progress. I thank her so much.

Lisette has recently released her promotional music video, "Surrender", the genre of the song is pop mixed with elements of dance. If you listen to the lyrics, they're just so reflective to a person's emotions. You can feel the emotion and passion through her voice. It's honestly one of a kind and unique. She looks so stunning and beautiful in this video, as always. I dedicate this entry to you Lisette. I'm honestly grateful. Thank you for everything. It means the world.



Sunday, 17 February 2008

I feel sorry for Zac...

I was on my internet homepage and I saw something about Jessica Alba trashing Zac Efron about the way he takes care of himself. Ok, first, let me clear some stuff up:

1) I'm not a FAN of Zac Efron.
2) I've NEVER seen his movies.
(except Hairspray cause I love the original)
3) I'm not one of those crazy OBSESSED teen-heart throbs.
4) I don't really CARE about his sexuality or personal life.
(he is who he is and does what he wants)
5) I don't really CLASSIFY him as a "celebrity".
(he's just someone who's turned a dream into a career)
6) I don't view him as a PIECE OF MEAT.
7) I don't GIVE a damn.
8) I have NOTHING against him.

Anyways, I know this is probably old news, but I just want to write something in this blog. I just want to say, who the hell made her the judge of the way people take care of themselves? Honestly? We were all born as INDIVIDUALS. We were all born with DIFFERENT skin colours. We grew up with different SEXUALITIES. We grew up with different INTERESTS. Above all it's what makes us in this world UNIQUE. We're all human. We're not perfect. What gives a person the right to judge someone and trash them? An arrogant dickhead, that's what.

I don't understand why people CAN'T accept others for who THEY are. What makes them so SPECIAL from the rest of us out there? NOTHING. It's completely overrated and predictable. I know he's been dealing with rumours about his sexuality, I know he's been through the supposed "break up" with Vanessa. How do I know? I've put up with people talking about it. Fun. Anyways, I know the media can be a total bitch sometimes. But, honestly, most people in the Entertainment Industry shouldn't be so ignorant. They should understand the situation and support each other. But, it's life, it's a bitch.

I'm just surprised how these people have had the strength and courage to deal with all the crap the media puts them through. I honestly give them credit for that. I salute you. All I can say is that Zac has a LOT of talent. He can sing. He can dance. He can act. I admire him for being where he is today. Honestly. I'm a singer in progress, as most of you have gathered from my 2nd blog, and I've finally got over that fear and pushed myself to take lessons. I just hope I'll have that big break and do it all for the right reasons.

As I was saying, I just hope to God, that he uses his talent as much as he can. Don't let it go to waste. Keep auditioning. Keep singing. Keep acting. Keep dancing. Just believe in yourself and be strong with what's ahead of you. Just live every moment without any regrets. Just don't do anything stupid which will ruin the rest of your life. If I could say this to him in person I would. I'm the type of person who sees a person for who they are; to see them happy; to see them with confidence and faith; to see them doing what they love. I'll always be there for a person no matter what's their status and be supportive of them.

I wouldn't mind being friends with Zac, because honestly, we all need friends that have a lot of positive energy and that has a great personality, that will leave you thankful. But, I know there's a 100+% chance that will never happen. Just because someone is a "celebrity" it's because they chose to build a career in that industry for their talent. Anyone can do it. It doesn't make us any different from them. We're all human. We're not perfect. We just succeed in something we believe and have faith in. It won't be easy. We all have to work and sacrifice. But, in the end, the results are going to be worth it.

I just want people to understand, that even if a person becomes something in life, doesn't matter what it is. I just hope they won't backstab or treat that person any less. Because karma is a bitch. What goes around, comes around. I hope most of you understand that, even though Zac Efron is VERY well-known now, he's still human like the rest of us. Sure, he has a career in front of the cameras, but he also has a normal personal life like us. We're all individuals. We're not perfect. I know a lot of people out there just love him about his looks, about his body, about wanting to get into his pants. All I can say is: are you that blind to look past that and see for what a person is for who they are?

I guess in today's generation, I will never know.


La di da da da di da

"La di da da da di da" are probably the 6 little words people might recognise from a song that no one seems to remember. It was back in 2000, when French Affair released their debut song "My Heart Goes Boom". Mixed with up-tempo pop and elements of dance beats, the song has a catchy rhythm with lyrics that will be stuck in your head for hours, even days. It's one of those songs that you'd either hate or love. I love it.

I was surprised that it even came across my mind. I remember back in 2000, I always used to listen to this song a lot of times. I was on Youtube and, of course as most of us who are bored, I started to look up random crap. I was about to click onto a next video, when I saw on the list "My Heart Goes Boom", so knowing me, I clicked it. I was shocked. It was the song that I always used to listen to when I was 11 years old! A major flash back of me dancing around like a little hyper-active child. Ah, the good times.

I know, they've released a few other songs such as:

"You're So Sexy"
"Comme ci, Comme Ca"

But I prefer "My Heart Goes Boom", because nothing beats the original. Anyways to get to the point. For those who don't remember the song, or seem to have a slight memory of it. I've found it on Youtube and I'll be glad to share it with the rest of those. Well, those who come across my blog anyway.... HAH. Here it is.

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti

"Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti" are the 7 words people often use when we practice our low and high notes during our singing lessons. I just came back from my second singing lesson today. I've always been a great singer when I was young. Sadly, I gave it up when I was about 12 and I lost my voice amongst the hormones a teenager faces. After watching the Eurovision Song Contest in 2006, it inspired to return to my love for music and singing. At first I sounded like a frog being strangled and a cat scraping their paws on a black chalk board. Yes, I was THAT bad.

After 2 years of practicing singing at home without any lessons. I began to improve. Of course, I wasn't amazing. I was improving with my voice as it started to developed back into it's singing range. I wasn't horrible. I was just plain good. I just need improvement! I needed to learn the breathing techniques. I needed to learn to mix my high and low notes together. I needed to learn on the tone techniques. Of course, I did strain most of the time, in which my throat would become dry and sore. Ah the joys of an amateur.

About 3 months ago, I Googled singing teachers here in Sydney. I found a website that had all the available singing teachers in the city. And 2 weeks ago, I emailed them for an inquiry for having lessons and what I needed to be improved and a little biography about what I needed them to understand. After 24 hours, I got a friendly reply back from the owner of the website. He found the most available singer in my area. He lives 21 minute drive for my place and believe me, he's been a great help.

So, I had my first lesson on Saturday the 9th of February and Dave was a nice talented singer who was patient with me to open up. We had a few voice exercises so he could see what needed work on my voice. We sang several songs:

"Stop This Hurting" by Lisette Vares
"On Top Of The World" by Edsilia Rombley

and of course I had my flaws, because after 2 years of practicing at home WITHOUT any lessons relieved the tension as I slowly began to understand and learn the opening up techniques.

I have a friend who I've recently known from Myspace named "Stuart Guthrie", a VERY talented singer from Western Australia. He's helped me out a lot by giving me some tricks and some advice on making my breathing a bit more easier and to make sure I don't put any strain on my vocals by singing on the throat and by relaxing and trying to sing from the diaphragm. He's been a great help to me.

For the last 5 days, I've been practicing and practicing. I was taught the lip bubble technique. I was taught to make sure my shoulders don't rise when I breathe. It's VERY hard to control at first, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. I've had a few strains on my voice the first 2 days of singing, but the 3rd day of understanding some of the basic techniques and breathing had finally relieved the tension on my singing. I still have my flaws with the breathing and bringing my high and low notes together, but, hopefully, I will maintain the understanding and knowledge to learn it properly.

I'm just thankful that I have people helping me with my singing. I'm glad I finally made that email to book that teacher. It was worth it. My voice has finally started to slowly progress. I don't feel the tension in my throat from straining. I know it will take a while for me to fully developed my singing voice to the level that it will be perfection, but the results are going be worth the wait from practicing and lessons.

If anyone out there has any advice or suggestions. I'd definitely appreciate it. I love music. I love singing. My whole life is based around music. I just thank the Eurovision Song Contest for inspiring me to sing again. It's given me a whole new view on what I honestly want in my life. I'm doing this for all the right reasons. The whole point of me becoming a successful singer is so I can become the voice for those out there. I'll be practicing extremely hard this up-coming week.


The morning comes, The sun hides

It's 6:58 a.m. on Saturday and I'm awake. I'm surprised on how early I've gone to bed last night at around 11:10 p.m. and to wake up at around the early hours of the morning. Mind you, I'd always wake up around 3p.m. in the afternoon! I think it's a new change for me. I honestly need Dr. Phil's advice on this. It's a real turn in the next chapter of my life.


Introduction.... not that I really like introducing myself to people. I find it more of a mystery to not know the person without meeting them and just create a story about their life and just play out the possibilities if the person is either a serial killer on the run or just simply on the run after beating his own wife, because she didn't put enough pepper in the sauce. But, I don't want to get TOO carried away, leaving you wondering if I'm some crazy nut job from the sidewalk selling crack, so I'll just get to the point.

I'm Jordan.
I'm 18 years old.
I live in Sydney, Australia.
I can be loud and obnoxious sometimes.
(Arn't we all?)
I'm loving and caring.
I'm a singer in progress.
(Yes, that's right)
I don't like people.
I hate some more than others.
I speak my mind.
(Most people hate that)
I don't judge others.
(Yes, I'm human)
I accept people for who they are.
(Shocking, aye?)
I have faith in my dreams.
I believe in people's dreams.
I believe in what's "right".
I love meeting new people.
(Don't start me)

Now for the downside...

I hate people who criticize others.
(We're NOT perfect)
I hate people with TOO much pride.
(Get OVER yourself)
I hate people who are negative.
(Get a LIFE)
I hate people who DON'T accept others for who THEY are.
(What makes YOU so special?)
I hate people that judge you WITHOUT even knowing you.
I hate people who pretend to be your friend but backstab you.
(Bring IT on bitch!)
I hate people who think they CAN destroy you.
(Have you met MY mother?)
I hate people who think they're TOO good to be your friend.
(As I said: What makes YOU so special?)


Since you've finished reading the above "About Me".
You'll notice that I'm DIFFERENT.
But, hey!
It's ME.
It's who I am.
If you DON'T accept it.
Then, you CAN just go fuck yourself.
God Bless.

Moving on...

It's 7:56 a.m., as I've spent almost an hour trying to finish this first blog entry of mine. I keep getting distractions: Mum waking up and babbling about someone forgetting to lock the back door. My neighbour lawn mowing the garden at THIS time of the morning. Don't people have lives? What happened to the good old days, when people used to sleep until the early hours of the afternoon? Doesn't this world have NO shame?! Damn global warming! It's messing with our minds. Next thing you know, we'll be exercising *shudders at the thought*. Scary.


As I sit here, with my ocean-blue robe over my black racing car shirt and my blue Homer Simpson boxers, (yes, that's right, I wear boxers, BOXERS, not briefs) I begin to wonder if writing this entry was worth it. I'm sure most of you have probably wasted a good 3-5 minutes of your so called "NORMAL" lives reading this. But, I think it's probably best to write down the non-stop dribble your mind plays repeatedly in your head. After all, we're all human right? We all have needs. We all have raging hormones (sure mine get mad at each other and stop talking to one another). We all have different styles. We have obliviated views upon the world. But most importantly. We have unique blogs.

I shall continue later.
