Sunday, 17 February 2008

La di da da da di da

"La di da da da di da" are probably the 6 little words people might recognise from a song that no one seems to remember. It was back in 2000, when French Affair released their debut song "My Heart Goes Boom". Mixed with up-tempo pop and elements of dance beats, the song has a catchy rhythm with lyrics that will be stuck in your head for hours, even days. It's one of those songs that you'd either hate or love. I love it.

I was surprised that it even came across my mind. I remember back in 2000, I always used to listen to this song a lot of times. I was on Youtube and, of course as most of us who are bored, I started to look up random crap. I was about to click onto a next video, when I saw on the list "My Heart Goes Boom", so knowing me, I clicked it. I was shocked. It was the song that I always used to listen to when I was 11 years old! A major flash back of me dancing around like a little hyper-active child. Ah, the good times.

I know, they've released a few other songs such as:

"You're So Sexy"
"Comme ci, Comme Ca"

But I prefer "My Heart Goes Boom", because nothing beats the original. Anyways to get to the point. For those who don't remember the song, or seem to have a slight memory of it. I've found it on Youtube and I'll be glad to share it with the rest of those. Well, those who come across my blog anyway.... HAH. Here it is.

1 comment:

Mizure said...

OMG I remember that song...I use to reallly like that...

ahhh memories that had laid forgotten for so long hahaha

I'm happy I got to hear it again XD