Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Mirror, Mirror on the wall...

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall..." is the most well-known phrase to everyone. Except, what do we really see in front of the mirror? Do we see a popular teenager? Do we see someone with an eating disorder? Do we see someone trying to fit in? Do we see someone trying to be something they're not? Those few questions may not seem that important to some, but to others it wanders through their mind, repeatedly.

These days, a lot of people, mostly teenagers, pretend to be something they're not. They join gangs. They do drugs. They change their personality in front and behind your back. They change their behaviour, aggressively. They lose weight for the wrong reasons. Above all, is it worth it? Are you accomplishing something by doing this? Damaging your body? Hurting those around you, because of your own insecurities? Getting into trouble with the law? Or even worse, being killed? Are they that worth it?

I know a lot of people out there want to lose weight. I understand that, hell, I need to lose the weight I've put on, but are you doing it for all the right reasons? Think about it. Teenagers in this generation are so wrapped up in the media society:


And just because those people have the best bodies, doesn't mean we have to level ourselves down to them. It doesn't mean they have the "perfect" life if they have a "perfect" body. Most people feel ugly on the inside and end up being unhappy. I'm not saying that everyone who is fit and built are arrogant. I'm saying that so many teenagers want to be something they're not. Many starve themselves down to an alarming weight. They want to look like their idols. But is it worth changing who you are? It's never worth it. Being who you are is what God made you to be. You don't have to change that.

If a person loses weight for someone they want to notice them, is it worth it? Honestly? That person is blind if he/she don't realize the kind of person you are on the inside. If you are a caring and loving person with a good soul, then that person, who doesn't see you for you, will never realize what kind of sad and pathetic loser they are. You can do better than that. You lose weight because you want to be healthy, not because you want some punk ass to notice you. We all want people to see us for who we really are. We all want to express our love for one another, no matter what gender; nationality; sexuality; size we are. We are all individuals, but we have one thing in common: we all have a heart.

Those who've put others through hell because of being overweight; for being gay; for being a lesbian or for coming from another background. You better get your life together, because honestly, you will never realize the kind of idiotic, self-obsorbed, arrogant asshole you really are. We all have a heart. We all hurt. Why would anyone want to put someone through hell, without knowing what kind of situations that person might be having in their personal life? What if that person was suicidal? What would you do if something happened? Those are the situations we all have to face and question ourselves with. Nothing shouldn't be kept in the dark.

How about when taking drugs? Is it worth damaging your life? Are you doing it because of your friends? Are you doing it because you want to fit into a social group? Think about it? Is it worth it? Ask yourself that, when you look in the mirror. We all make mistakes in life. We're not all perfect. Sometimes we have to face our demons, but it doesn't mean with have to take the wrong path to destruction. No matter what we face in life, no matter how tough our darkest hours may be, an angel always shines through to the end. Just have faith and be strong with all the courage you have, because it's never worth destroying your life. It's never worth pretending to be something you're not.

Just remember to be who you are. You don't have to change for anyone. You be what you want to be. You do what you believe is right. Don't be afraid of anything. You will have a lot of friends and family supporting you and even if you don't have family or friends to support you, I will support you. Always stay true to yourself. You are perfect the way God made you. You can achieve anything you want to be, only if you put your mind and heart to it. Do yourself a favour, go out there, have your head held high, and be proud to be YOU.

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall. What do you see?"

You tell me.



Anonymous said...

You should be an advice columnist=]

Anonymous said...

You seem like an awesome and strong person. I admire you for that. The world needs more people like you.